The 2011 Premio Rotondi prizes were awarded in the splendid setting of the Sassocorvaro Auditorium on Saturday 4 June. The winner of the Regional award was the director of the Museo Statale Tattile Omero, Ancona, Roberto Farroni.This prize is a prestigious acknowledgement of the Museum’s continuing programme of activities in the promotion of culture. The [...] Continua a leggere: The Premio Rotondi – Salvatori dell’Arte– Sezione Marche 2011 awarded to Roberto Farroni

Posted on 27 May 2011

14 and 15 April 2011: National Course - Museum accessibility and artistic and aesthetic education for visually handicapped people
13 April 2011: Tactile visit to the "Derive" exhibition at the Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona
17 April 2011, Theatre "Lavoro? (Ma se) non vedo l'ora..."

Posted on 28 March 2011

Friday 11 March 2011 A group of around 50 visitors, made up of non-and partially sighted young people and their helpers, from 18 countries of the European Union visited the Museo Omero this morning. The young people belong to the VIEWS International association based in Liege (Belgium). They came together for 5 days (9 to [...] Continua a leggere: 11 March: young people from the Views International European association visit the Museo Omero

Posted on 11 March 2011