Reopening February 1, 2021
Posted in Updates on 2 February 2021

There's always a first time!
The Museo Omero reopens to the public tomorrow, 1 February - the first time in 2021 and the first time on a Monday.
Our opening times and days have changed due to the Covid restrictions and as the Marche Region has now been downgraded to a yellow zone, we can welcome you on weekdays. We remain closed at weekends and on public holidays.
Here are our new opening times: Monday to Friday 16:00 - 19:00.
Saturday and Sunday: closed.
Another novelty: booking is compulsory.
Call or send a whatsapp to 335 56 96 985 from Monday to Friday - 9:00 to 13:00 or during our opening hours.
Admission is limited to a maximum of 10 people per room.
We'll take your temperature at the entrance and help you fill in your self-certification form. We'll then provide you with the disposable gloves you'll need to fully enjoy your experience by touching the works.
You'll obviously have to come with a mask and wear it throughout the visit, keeping a distance of 2 metres from people outwith your bubble.
Fortunately, our rooms are large and can be aired frequently every day.
You will also find an exhibition by Giovanni Gaggia - Quello che doveva accadere (What had to happen).