8 March – Lavender Perfumes, Flavours and Soaps and Images from the Dark!

Immagine della lavanda del Conero

Monday 8 March, 5.30pm
Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Ancona.

An afternoon dedicated entirely to women.

A multi-sensory pathway to discover the secrets of the feminine perfume par excellence: Lavender is not only an odour - it's also for tasting, listening to and touching!

Annamaria Pergolesi (B&B Torre del Poggio - Monte Cònero, Portonovo di Ancona) will be our guide in the discovery of this precious ancient plant: its origins, cultivation, uses and why she loves it. With her experienced help, we will make and decorate natural lavender soaps.

The other protagonist this afternoon is the partially-sighted artist Gabriele Bartoletti: using his special technique which renders images comprehensible to the visually handicapped, he will paint a picture dedicated to women and to lavender perfume.


Booking is compulsory. If you are unable to come, please let us know in good time.
Cost: 6 Euros. Free for the disabled.

Tel. 071 2811935.
E-mail info@museoomero.it