Last stop of the Invisible project

Bolli rosa gialli e blu circondano il logo Invisible in nero Inclusive and Innovative learning tool for Visually Impaired and Blind People

From the 25th to the 27th of June the last stop of the European project Erasmus+ Invisible (2022-2024) of which the Omero Museum is a partner, will take place in Ravenna and Bologna.

The project will officially end in July, but this will be the conclusive multiplier event and meeting that will be hosted by the University of Bologna, leading partner of the project.

The first day will be in Ravenna and then it will move to Bologna at the presence of all the partners.

The programme is quite dense, and it will be held in different locations:

  • on the 25th of June at Ravenna's Biblioteca Classense the workshop "Design, Education and Accessibility. Confronting practises and experience"
  • on the 26th of June in Bologna's Palazzo Magnani the International conference "New challenges in Innovation and Inclusion"

There will be spechees from different institutions that are engaged in the topic of accessibility, and there will be the presentation of the results developed by each partner of the project.

For the Omero Museum Greta Sturm, Andrea Socrati will be present.

The project

The In-VisIBLe project aims to make higher education courses of subjects related to Art, Architecture and Design. It is specifically dedicated to the course of History of Architecture through innovative technologies and interactive educational methods.

The intent is to develop tools to share with online educational activities for and accessible course of History of Architecture, with a system and a database for the creation of captions and through an online learning platform where tools, materials and course accessible to everyone.

The partners

  • 3 Universities: Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, University Yeditepe Vakif of Istanbul, Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi in Poland;
  • 1 international research institute: Information Technologies Institute of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece;
  • 1 public institute for the blind: the Centre for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind in Greece;
  • 1 state museum: the State Tactile Omero Museum in Ancona, Italy;
  • numerous associate partners among which are MAXXI Museum in Rome and the Edgardo Mannucci Art Institute in Ancona.