Sunday 13 December at 5.30pm
Ancona, Museo tattile Statale Omero
Every Thursday in July and August at 9.30 pm
Museo Omero, Via Tiziano 50, Ancona
Saturday 15 May 2010, Notte dei Musei, Angels and Clouds
Sunday 16 May 2010, Catch the Clouds workshop and Dinner in the dark
Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Ancona
Aimed at: primary and secondary schools. The pupils will be accompanied to the Architectural Models Room, where they will be invited to sit on the floor.The workshop begins with an introduction to the Museo and a presentation of the group / class. At this point, the “sense awakening game” begins : the children put on [...] Continua a leggere: Workshop: Toccare gli angeli. Previously unseen marble works di Gioacchino Varlè
Monday 8 March, 5.30pm
Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Ancona.
Sunday 21 February 5pm
Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Ancona.
Sunday 14 February 2010
Ancona, Museo Tattile Statale Omero
19 December 2009
Conference Room, Museo Omero
Multisensory paths of art, theatre, music, aromas and flavours
Every Thursday in July and August at 9.30 pm
Ancona, Museo Omero, Via Tiziano 50
Saturday 16 May, opening free 9 pm to 12 pm