The Lonely Planet Travel Festival

coloured illustration of mountains, flowers, animals and musicians

Ancona, July 4-7, 2024.
Festival Preview, July 3, 2024.

The Omero Museum is the main sponsor of the seventh edition of UlisseFest, the Lonely Planet Travel Festival, organized by the publishing house EDT, Lonely Planet's exclusive partner in Italy.

This annual event offers a unique opportunity to look beyond our geographical and cultural boundaries, allowing us to reflect on the world and connect with everything beyond our daily horizon.

Exploring the Unknown

This year, UlisseFest will be held for the first time in the city of Ancona from July 4 to 7, and it will be dedicated to the theme "Exploring the Unknown." Four perfect days to grasp the spirit of our times and explore the infinite aspects of travel through workshops, meetings, music, and images from around the world. The Omero Museum will be an integral part of this event with a series of unmissable activities and events.

Event Program Involving the Omero Museum

  • Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 9:30 PM. Festival Preview.
    Projection of "Soundscape" in collaboration with the Omero Museum.
    Lazzabaretto Cinema.
    UlisseFest opens with a special evening at the Lazzabaretto Cinema, where documentaries from the BANFF Mountain Film Festival will be screened. Among these is "Soundscape," an exciting story of friendship and adventure between mountain guide Timmy O'Neill and blind athlete Erik Weihenmayer. This documentary, featuring footage by Mikey Schaefer and animation by Leah Nichols, offers a unique perspective on the experience of climbing without sight, using echolocation, touch, and imagination. It's an opportunity to experience a journey through the breathtaking landscapes of the United States and Norway, with a special focus on disability.
  • Friday, July 5, 6:30 PM. Traveling Without Barriers.
    Museo Omero, Conference Room.
    A meeting dedicated to accessible tourism, where Giovanni Ferrero from Turismabile and Aldo Grassini, President of the Omero Museum, will talk with Marco Giovannelli. A moment of reflection on how to ensure everyone's right to travel and tourism by overcoming physical and cultural barriers. Translation service to and from Italian Sign Language is guaranteed.
  • Saturday, July 6, 5:00 PM and Sunday, July 7, 11:00 AM.
    Guided Tours at the Omero Museum.
    An unmissable opportunity to explore the Omero Museum through an immersive and sensory visit. Guided tours of the Design collection and touchable reproductions of masterpieces and original sculptures offer a unique experience, allowing appreciation of beauty regardless of sight. A sensory journey that demonstrates how art can be accessible to all.

An Invitation to Discovery

The Omero Museum invites you to participate in UlisseFest 2024 to explore the unknown together and discover new perspectives on travel and accessibility. We look forward to seeing you for four days of meetings, discoveries, and connections that go beyond the boundaries of the everyday.

Info and Reservations

You can find all the information to book and stay updated on the program on the UlisseFest website.