Phidias Exhibition
Posted in Exhibitions on 29 November 2023

From 24 November 2023 to 9 June 2024.
Villa Caffarelli, Musei Capitolini, Rome.
The Museo Omero is lending the art works.
The Phidias exhibition, hosted at the Capitoline Museums in Rome, celebrates Phidias, the greatest Greek sculptor of the classical era. Best-known for works such as the Parthenon and the chryselephantine colossi of Athena Parthenos and the Zeus of Olympia, Phidias has left an indelible mark on art.
The Exhibition
The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, the Assessorato alla Cultura, the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. It is curated by Claudio Parisi Presicce and organized by Zètema Progetto Cultura. The main sponsor is Bulgari and the official radio is Radio Monte Carlo.
The exhibition, which is the first to be entirely dedicated to the artist, displays over 100 works, including archaeological finds, Greek originals and Roman replicas, as well as paintings and manuscripts.
Divided into six sections, the exhibition covers Phidias' life, career and the historical-cultural context.
This event inaugurates a cycle of exhibitions entitled "The Great Masters of Ancient Greece".
International collaboration has enriched the exhibition with exceptional loans from major worldwide museums. The exhibition provides a fascinating experience, thanks also to its multimedia installations.
One of the museums taking part is the Museo Omero, which has loaned its architectural model of the Parthenon and its plaster copy of a fragment of the cella frieze. Furthermore, the School of Ornamental Arts of Roma Capitale has lent a plaster cast taken from the head of Athena from the Palagi collection (now housed at the Civic Museum of Bologna), which was chosen for the exhibition poster.
Certain works are available for tactile exploration by visually-impaired and blind people during special visits which can be booked or requested. The Sovrintendenza Capitolina confirms its commitment to accessibility issues by including a programme of integrated guided tours accompanied by LIS (Italian Sign Language) interpreters - thanks to its collaboration with the Dipartimento Politiche Sociali, of the Direzione Servizi alla Persona of Roma Capitale.
Where: Villa Caffarelli, Capitoline Museums, Rome.
When: 24 November 2023 to 5 May 5 2024.
Open: Every day from 9:30 to 19:30; December 24 and 31 from 9:30 to 14:00.
Last entry one hour before closing time.
Closed on December 25.
Admission: Access to the exhibition is permitted for ticket holders according to the current pricing.
Online pre-sale of exhibition-only tickets: full price 13 euros; reduced price 11 euros.
Tel. 06 06 08 (every day from 9:00 to 19:00).