
a hand touching a Braille label

Accessibility contact: Andrea Socrati.
E-mail tel. +39 071 28 11 935.

Mole Vanvitelliana

The Mole is an eighteenth-century structure originally surrounded by water and nowadays joined to the mainland by three bridges. There are two entrances to the courtyard of this former hospital: the main one can be reached by following the Dogana (Customs) sign and is located near Porta Pia; the secondary one, in the Mandracchio area, has a large iron gate.

Visitors with mobility problems can enter the Mole Vanvitelliana where there are three parking spaces reserved for vehicles authorized to transport people with disabilities. For further information or other assistance, please contact the custodian, tel (+39) 333 61 66 89 8 (Custodi Mole Vanvitelliana, M&P car parks). The courtyard of the Mole is paved with cobbles, but it is perfectly accessible to wheelchairs.

Museo Omero

The museum has two entrances, both of which are in the courtyard of the Mole: the main one can be reached via a monumental staircase, the other is equipped with a lift.

The Design Collection is a new space in our museum, located inside the Mole, just beside the Mandracchio entrance (identifiable by the large metal gate and Mimmo Paladino’s Red Horse statue).

All the museum rooms are accessible as there are lifts.

The bathrooms, accessible and fitted with changing tables, are adjacent to the exhibition rooms. There are other bathrooms in the courtyard.
Seating is available throughout the exhibition, there is a refreshment area with vending machines for coffee and water, a meeting room for welcoming groups.

Dogs: only guide dogs will be admitted.

Reception and services

Before your visit

At the entrance to the museum you will find

  • information about the museum in various languages and in Braille
  • accessible audio guides, in Italian
  • Esay-to-read Guide of the Museo Omero
  • a model of the Mole Vanvitelliana and a map of the museum layout in relief
  • a special exhibition for families with neurodiverse children (aged 3 – 6)
  • two manual wheelchairs available on request

In the rooms

  • all our exhibits – copies, originals, models, Designer objects – can be explored by touch
  • information in Braille (panels, captions, labels) and in high contrast
  • movable platforms with steps for tactile exploration of taller works
  • three works accompanied by accessible videos in ISL and with subtitles

The Museo Omero on the A.D. Arte portal for advance information on accessibility and enhanced enjoyment of national places of culture.