
Multisensory paths of art, theatre, music, aromas and flavours
Every Thursday in July and August, from 8 pm till midnight.
Free entry.

Posted on 1 July 2011

4 July to 18 September 2011.Hotel Fortino Napoleonico Portonovo (AN).Inauguration 4 July 2011 at 7 pm. The 23rd Meet the Artist features works by a unique personality, who bursts on to the scene with his growing notoriety and esteem: a non-sighted sculptor, Felice Tagliaferri instils his profound perception of realty into marble and clay. His [...] Continua a leggere: Art at Portonovo: Felice Tagliaferri at Incontro con l’autore

Posted on 29 June 2011

The 2011 Premio Rotondi prizes were awarded in the splendid setting of the Sassocorvaro Auditorium on Saturday 4 June. The winner of the Regional award was the director of the Museo Statale Tattile Omero, Ancona, Roberto Farroni.This prize is a prestigious acknowledgement of the Museum’s continuing programme of activities in the promotion of culture. The [...] Continua a leggere: The Premio Rotondi – Salvatori dell’Arte– Sezione Marche 2011 awarded to Roberto Farroni

Posted on 27 May 2011