Sensi d’Estate 2021
Every Wednesday from 14 July to 18 August 2021
Shows begin at 9.30 pm in the Corte della Mole, Ancona.
Admission is free but limited.
Interview to our President in Esperanto
Thursday April 8 2021 at 18:00.
An online event.
Kindly donated by the Fazenda-Escola Bona Espero
A personal intervention with several voices by Giovanni Gaggia
curated by Stefano Verri
from 27 December 2020
Museo Tattile Statale Omero.
From February 17th to March 24th 2021.
In collaboration with the Amici della Lirica "Franco Corelli"
Our 40-minute programmes will go on air at 3:20pm, every Thursday from February 4th to April 8th 2021.
Live on the Facebook page of Slash Radio Web.
Here are our new opening times: Monday to Friday 16:00 - 19:00.
Saturday and Sunday: closed.
Booking is compulsory.
from 6 November 2020 to from 6 November to 15 January 2021
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
3 December 2020 at 6.00 pm