Aisthesis Number 27 – September 2024

We emerge from this eternal summer with an issue full of positive and encouraging stimuli on three fundamental themes for everyone: inclusion is always aimed for.
We talk about it, we write about it and we take note of it in three lively, energetic articles.

We open with Handy Signs, which eliminates every barrier between Deaf and hearing people.
Emanuele Chiusaroli and Laura De Negri present their handy LIS assistant. Sign language can instantly be translated into both written words and audio using a simple mobile device. It is already in use in some public and private facilities; more than just experimental therefore.

A passion for Kandinsky’s art motivated the researcher and teacher, Anna Gioia, to design and build a multisensory object with differentiated materials which, by stimulating tactility and the use of colour, emits sounds connected to the works of the great painter, making a new interpretation available. The educational use of this proposal is therefore desirable, even in schools.

The economy is also moving towards a new sociality, and fundraising appears to be a perfect tool to achieve these values. Private individuals and various entities can also contribute in a direct, correct and transparent way to large-scale cultural projects. In this way we can bypass the rhetorical and outdated figure of the sponsor, avoid confusing fiscal and commercial implications and support our own city, our own museum, our own theatre. Gianluca Federici, an expert in economic sustainability, explains everything to us with significant examples and data.

Read the magazine in PDF (179 KB). Translation by Lorenzo Bontempi.

Headquarters of the editorial office and management:
Museo Tattile Statale Omero – Mole Vanvitelliana
Banchina da Chio 28 – Ancona.
Publisher: Associazione Per il Museo Tattile Statale Omero ODV-ETS.
Director: Aldo Grassini.
Managing Director: Gabriella Papini.
Editors: Monica Bernacchia, Andrea Sòcrati, Annalisa Trasatti, Massimiliano Trubbiani, Alessia Varricchio.
Voice: Luca Violini.