Adi Design Index 2022
Posted in Updates on 22 November 2022

Pre-selection for the 2024 Compasso d'Oro.
We are delighted to announce that the ADI (Association for Industrial design) Permanent Design Observatory has selected the Museo Tattile Statale Omero's Design Collection for publication in the 2022 ADI Design Index.
The 2022 ADI Design Index is the first volume of the biennial cycle which selects the products that will be eligible for the ADI 2024 Compasso d'Oro Award.
The Compasso d'Oro is the most prestigious accolade for the production and design quality of goods, services, processes and systems of Italian design.
It was first created by "La Rinascente" in 1954 and then donated to the ADI which has managed it continuously since 1956. By bringing together all the prize-winning products, the award has created the largest historical Collection of design objects which was declared an "asset of national interest" (in a Ministerial Decree 22.04.2004).
Since 2009, the ADI Design Index has also become the annual selection for the National Innovation Award (the "Prize of Prizes"), sponsored by the Presidency of the Republic.
The 2022 ADI Design Index exhibition, which also includes a video by Fabio Fornasari of the Museo Omero's Design Collection, is open from 14 to 27 November 2022 at the Adi Design Museum.
This is a remarkable achievement for us. An immense gratification for those of us engaged in creating culture for our country, with dedication and enthusiasm, in spite of all the difficulties.