EU Erasmus+ project Invisible
Posted in Updates on 10 March 2023

9th and 10th of March: third transnational meeting between partners of the project in Poland.
This week, on the 9th and 10th of March 2023, Andrea Socrati and Greta Sturm from the Omero Museum have been at the Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna of Łódź, in Poland, for the third international meeting of the Invisible project.
Invisible is an Erasmus+ European project with the aim of sharing good practices of accessibility and guidelines to make teaching Architecture, and Arts in general, accessible to visually impaired people.
The project intent is to promote an inclusive education, accessibility to culture and the development of innovation in higher levels of education. In doing so, cultural accessibility can really fulfil its role and become one of the most efficient and strategic tools to achieve an inclusive society.
The Omero Museum is working on its project result and creating guidelines and good practices on this theme and in November 2023 it will held a multiplier event.
The project was started in April 2022 by the leading institution, the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna. The second meeting took place in September 2022 at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul.