Invisible EU project: third step

i partecipanti al progetto erasmus in trasferta a Salonicco

3 and 4 of July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece.

After the meeting in Poland last march, on the 3rd and the 4th of July, Andrea Socrati and Greta Sturm participated to a new project meeting for InVisible EU Project.

On Monday there was the Multipler Event, in which other than the project's partners, there was the involvement of the local community and local institutions. We presented the InVisible project and learned about the activities and experiences of everyone who was present.

For the first time, the 3D models realized for the project were tested by blind participants and they were able to give us useful feedback on how to improve the work.

Today at CERB - Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind of Salonicco - was the day of the meeting between the partners to organize the future work and the next meeting which is going to take place next November in Ancona, at the Omero Museum.