Issue 28 of the Aisthesis journal is now online

Copertina rivista. Su fondo rosso scritta Aisthesis. Scoprire l'arte con tutti i sensi

Read the articles of Aisthesist, the vocal and online magazine of the Omero Museum, or browse the entire issue 28 in an accessible PDF.

An issue that explores art as an active and inclusive experience, enhancing tactility and the dialogue between perception and knowledge.

Going to the Museum to Perform the Artwork

Marcello La Matina reflects on how each work of art comes to life through visitor interaction. Art is not just observation but an experience that engages all the senses, turning the spectator into an active part of the artistic creation.

Nova Gorica 2025, European Capital of Culture

David Kožuh presents the Nova Gorica 2025 project, aiming to make museums more accessible. Tactile paths, multisensory artworks, and new exhibition strategies allow everyone to experience art in a more inclusive way.

The role of the Omero Museum

Aldo Grassini explains the Omero Museum’s commitment to promoting tactility as a tool for knowledge. This effort goes beyond accessibility for blind people, involving a broader audience in a new way of perceiving art.

Inclusive aesthetic education

Loretta Secchi delves into the value of inclusive aesthetic education, emphasizing the importance of multisensoriality in artistic learning. Art becomes a bridge between knowledge and sensitivity, surpassing the limits of mere visual perception.

The diary of a rose

Silvana Sperati Silvana Sperati invites us to rediscover nature by observing its changes. An exercise in attention and perception that teaches us to notice everyday transformations, just as happens in art.

The disappearance of colors

A review of Luigi Manconi’s book, which narrates the loss of sight and the discovery of new ways of perceiving the world. A powerful account that sparks reflection on the diversity of sensory perception.