The sanctuary of Loreto – the non-sighted try their hand
Posted in Updates on 17 February 2011
Saturday 12 February 2011, Loreto
The Ancona branch of the Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti organized a guided visit to the Sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto on Saturday, 12 February: more than 30 people from all areas of Le Marche were able to discover the beauties of the city dedicated to Maria.
As well as the Basilica, the visit included the medieval walkways, known as Rocchette, where the city guards patrolled, and the Museo Antico Tesoro del Santuario where the visitors were given permission to touch some precious sculptures, including a wooden model of the Basilica della Santa Casa, and the fittings in the room where Pope John XXIII slept. Aids in Braille and the assistance of expert guides made the visit straightforward. Andrea Sòcrati, creator of the accessible exhibition "20 views of the Basilica di Loreto" on show in the Museum, illustrated his works to non-and partially-sighted visitors.
Given its success, the initiative will be proposed in the other provincial UIC branches in the Regione Marche. The experience is part of a wider project which involves other museums and collections of contemporary art, and intends to consolidate Le Marche as a model of accessibility.
Some pictures