Aisthesis Number 26 – May 2024

Naturally, all our thoughts and affection are with Giuliano Vangi, who has left us with calm and love; an extraordinary person and not just a major artist. Aldo Grassini’s tribute goes beyond artistic definitions, giving insights into the meaning of all his work. Many years of true friendship, which are summarized in a heartfelt chronicle. Much remains of Vangi; almost everything remains; his message is to condemn evil in order to exalt the positivity of humanity. His sculpture is sometimes harrowing but it also creates moments of hope and emotional reality, seen in such works in the Museo Omero collection as “The Woman in the Pipe” and “He and She”.

Maria Chiara Andriello, Head of Accessibility – Rai Public Utilities, highlights how accessibility in communication is aimed at allowing everyone to understand the content of an image or a sound. The services offered allow deaf people to “decode” any sound by means of subtitles and translation into sign language. Blind or partially-sighted people can understand what the images represent and depict through audio description. Without widespread accessibility, there can never be true inclusion.

Silvana Sperati, a student and collaborator of Bruno Munari, as well as president of the Bruno Munari Association, emphasizes his role as eternal researcher, teacher, creator, simplifier. Even though his working methods were characterized by hyperactivity or fragmentariness, he was a painter, graphic designer, designer, sculptor, writer and philosopher. His fixed point, the platform underpinning all his creativity and artistic action, was the concept of the workshop. A method, a message and a praxis he first offered to children “never considered as vases to be filled but as people who can have extraordinary accesses to knowledge. It’s too difficult for adults because they have too many preconceptions.” An extraordinary Munari, smiling and happy, used his workshop to propose a new style and method for educating future generations in the promotion of creative thinking, so that individuals capable of understanding art can be formed. Even today Munari’s proposal is a source of inspiration and example for the Learning departments of many museums internationally.

Read the magazine in PDF (300 KB). Translation by Lorenzo Bontempi.

Headquarters of the editorial office and management:
Museo Tattile Statale Omero – Mole Vanvitelliana
Banchina da Chio 28 – Ancona.
Publisher: Associazione Per il Museo Tattile Statale Omero ODV-ETS.
Director: Aldo Grassini.
Managing Director: Gabriella Papini.
Editors: Monica Bernacchia, Andrea Sòcrati, Annalisa Trasatti, Massimiliano Trubbiani, Alessia Varricchio.
Voice: Luca Violini.