Saturday 16 May: The Museums at night 2009 with Contattil…Azioni of the Omero Museum

locandina Notte dei Musei

Saturday 16 May, opening free 9 pm to 12 pm

In collaboration with Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali and Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione of University of Macerata.

Since 2006 the Secretary General of the Council of Europe has granted his patronage to THE MUSEUMS AT NIGHT which takes place concurrently in the signatory countries of the European Cultural Convention.

The "Museums at night" born in 2005 thanks to an idea of Ministero della Cultura e della Comunicazione francese.

Museums in Europe will be opening late and many will be staging special events; from tours, screenings and debates, to music, dancing and ghost hunts.

For this 5ht edition of the "Museums at night", the exibition spaces of the Museum Omero will display Tactile Tables, in different and various sizes, which will suggest visitors to complete the Contact-Actions ("Contattilazioni"), a special and inusual abstract travel of hands (like declaimed from Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in his "Manifesto del Tattilismo"). The tactile suggestions given by the Tables will be enriched and completed with "sound collages". The visitors will be able to give life to an exciting rich aesthetic perceptive action/ full of stimuli and suggestions.

Tactile creative workshop: using material of miscellaneous type, the pupils will be able to create small tactile tables interpreted with own sensibility.

Information and booking

When: Saturady 16 May 9pm -12pm.
Where: Museo Tattile Statale Omero, Via Tizano 50 - Ancona.
Entry: free.
Workshop: 3.00 euros per pupil.
Booking only for workshop.
Disabled people, the blind and the partially sighted: all the activites are free.
Telephone: 071 28 11 935.
Fax: 071 28 18 35 8.